Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Webpost 4
Complaint posted on the web by an unknown victim from an unknown location.
Note: This post is the first I've heard of Greg Slate's having registered the PCC in Alabama, and I keep forgetting to check on this.
[If the person who posted this should happen to see this, I'd really appreciate your contacting me at kamaudocs@gmail.com, because I'd like to add your information to our victims' database.]
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Kamau 247
Letter I just received concerning Diop Kamau
Note: Despite what this letter says, I DID NOT contact this agency and do not know why I received this. In the past, I did contact the Texas agency discussed in this letter, and they refused to prosecute Kamau or help me get my money back. The only person I know in Wisconsin is the former Secret Service agent discussed in my other blog, http://vocct.blogspot.com under the "He Said" post from 9/17/09, who was willing to commit perjury against me as shown in the letter from him posted there. This man has a history of harassing me since I began filing complaints about him with various agencies.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Webpost 2
Copy of item posted to the web by unknown person
[Note the mention of Kamau's use of a voice changer, which he also used in my case.]
criminal background,
voice changer,
Friday, December 11, 2009
Additional Information
I have some important additional information I need to share. I will soon start posting copies of a sampling of posts various people have made on the web concerning Kamau, the PCC, and various associates. These will be postings not directly related to my case, will be in random order, and will be listed as "Webpost [#]" for identification purposes and to differentiate them from my own case documents. I'm doing this in order to give interested parties a collection of what's been/being said on the web regarding or by Kamau and co. that they can quickly and easily browse. In addition to posts I've collected, I'm also interested in knowing about additional posts when you run across them. I've set up an email address, kamaudocs@gmail.com, for you to send these to, and you can either send them anonymously or with your contact information (which I will not post).
I am also looking for case documents from other victims to post here (with all identifying information covered). I'm not as interested in why you went to Kamau and the PCC; I'm mainly wanting to post copies of contracts, emails or letters or text messages you received from Kamau or others, and copies of the backs of any checks you wrote to Kamau or anyone else connected with the PCC (with all account info. removed, of course; what's important here is who endorsed your check and how they did it). Also of critical importance is any proof/documentation of either mail or wire fraud by anyone connected with the PCC, since this makes it easier to catch the feds.' attention and stiffens the potential penalties considerably. If you are willing to share anything here, please email me at the kamaudocs@gmail.com address.
1) This is the MOST important thing to do, and you should do it as soon as you possibly can! Go to the iC3.gov website, click on "File A Complaint", read the instructions, fill out the webform as accurately as you can, and submit it. It is fairly quick, easy, and you can always use the code #s you will be given at the end to go back and make changes or additions later. Please do this even if you were victimized a long time ago, and if you've already filed a complaint with them in the past, you need to file your same complaint again if it was filed before 2009. (Someone in federal law enforcement told me this.) The reason this is so important is that several of us have been told by the FBI that they usually won't go after anyone unless the dollar amounts of losses are over $250,000. We know they are easily over this by the # of victims we're in touch with plus ones we've seen who have posted their info. on the 'net, but we need to get cases filed formally so the dollar amounts on record will go over this. (If you know anyone else who's lost money to Kamau, please get them to file complaints as well.)
2) Also fill out and submit an online complaint form at the FTC's website. I think their complaints end up at the same places as iC3, but because they're also federal, I still think it's helpful to file with them as well so we can keep up the pressure on the feds. Both of these federal complaint systems are completely private; that's important, because Kamau has a serious retaliation history (more on this in a minute).
3) I also strongly recommend that you make copies of ALL of your documentation (emails, letters, contracts, invoices, cancelled checks, equipment, and anything else you have from your dealings with Kamau and the PCC) and take them with you to your local FBI office. You don't have to make an appointment; just show up during business hours and ask to talk to an agent. You can expect to get the brush-off to some extent, so be sure to tell them you are in touch with our group, that the total losses to fraud from this guy are high, that he retaliates against victims who complain in scary ways, and that you will be continuing to complain if they refuse to do anything.
4) Email Mike Matthews with the FL p.i. licensing bureau and tell him what Kamau et al. did to you. Mike's contact info. is: Mike Matthews, Bureau of Regulation and Enforcement, P.O. Box 6687, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6687, 850-833-9146, Fax 850-833-9149. You should know that Kamau has lost his p.i. license in FL, that the PCC is not licensed in FL, that Kamau's associate Greg Slate has never been licensed as a p.i. as far as I know(but has often impersonated one and got Kamau in trouble as a result; it was for this reason that Slate and Kamau parted company, despite what Kamau has posted on the internet), and that as far as anyone in our group is aware, Kamau is not licensed to work as a p.i. in any other state. (You should also try to file a complaint against him with whatever office licenses p.i.s in your state as well, although we have found that these groups usually refuse to do anything.)
5) Depending on your situation and how brave/gutsy you are, we also recommend that you file a consumer complaint with the Washington, D.C. Office of the Attorney General. When you do this, at some point in the process (depending on whether you do this online, by letter, by fax, by phone, etc.) they will ask you whether you want them to contact Kamau about your complaint. If you say no to this, they will simply add your complaint to their files on Kamau and that will be the end of it, and Kamau will not know you complained. If you want them to try and get your money back, however, you must give them permission to contact Kamau to get his response to your complaint. You should be aware that if the experiences of our group are any indication, you can expect Kamau to swiftly retaliate against you by posting lies about you and your case and possibly also your personal identification info. on one of his many websites. You may also find yourself stalked and harassed in various ways. Worse, the D.C. OAG will not do anything to protect you from this!--see my posted letters from them about this on my blog (address below). The D.C. OAG has also not been at all forthcoming about giving one of the other victims I'm in contact with copies of all complaints against Kamau when he filed an open records request with them.
6) Compare your documentation to mine and see if any of it is similar (it usually is!). Right now, I'm working on a chart that I'll be posting soon that lists victims we currently know about (that I'll be updating regularly) by state only (no names), approx. dates they interacted with Kamau/PCC, total dollar amounts they were defruaded out of, and a simple Y or N as to whether we have any contact info. for them. If you are willing to share your information to add to the chart, please email it to me at kamaudocs@gmail.com. This chart will allow us to keep a running tab on amounts people have been defrauded out of and will provide a great deal of helpful information for law enforcement. Although it won't be on the chart, it would be helpful for me to know if you feel you were retaliated against in any way by Kamau or anyone else with the PCC.
7) There are some things you can do to help me personally with my case that might also be important to yours. The main one of these is to obtain copies of the backs of any checks you paid Kamau or anyone else with PCC in order to see who the money was actually paid to as mentioned above. You will need to do this in order to make any kind of fraud case anyway, but it's also important in my case because I have reason to believe that my check backs (which I've posted below) will look very different from yours, even if both of ours were endorsed by Kamau. You could help me even more by emailing me a copy or copies of your check backs (please remove or mark out all account info. first and any other personal info. you don't want to give out--see exs. below). Unlike Kamau, I have a very firm policy of not giving out or posting anything provided to me privately without getting permission first, I always conceal identifying info., and I will take down postings that are not my own if asked to. For my files, I could really use the name of the state you're from, the dates of your first and last interactions with Kamau, the names of any PCC associates involved in your case, the total dollar amount you were defrauded of, and where you've filed formal complaints. Again, please ask any other victims you know of to contact me ASAP.
I am also looking for case documents from other victims to post here (with all identifying information covered). I'm not as interested in why you went to Kamau and the PCC; I'm mainly wanting to post copies of contracts, emails or letters or text messages you received from Kamau or others, and copies of the backs of any checks you wrote to Kamau or anyone else connected with the PCC (with all account info. removed, of course; what's important here is who endorsed your check and how they did it). Also of critical importance is any proof/documentation of either mail or wire fraud by anyone connected with the PCC, since this makes it easier to catch the feds.' attention and stiffens the potential penalties considerably. If you are willing to share anything here, please email me at the kamaudocs@gmail.com address.
1) This is the MOST important thing to do, and you should do it as soon as you possibly can! Go to the iC3.gov website, click on "File A Complaint", read the instructions, fill out the webform as accurately as you can, and submit it. It is fairly quick, easy, and you can always use the code #s you will be given at the end to go back and make changes or additions later. Please do this even if you were victimized a long time ago, and if you've already filed a complaint with them in the past, you need to file your same complaint again if it was filed before 2009. (Someone in federal law enforcement told me this.) The reason this is so important is that several of us have been told by the FBI that they usually won't go after anyone unless the dollar amounts of losses are over $250,000. We know they are easily over this by the # of victims we're in touch with plus ones we've seen who have posted their info. on the 'net, but we need to get cases filed formally so the dollar amounts on record will go over this. (If you know anyone else who's lost money to Kamau, please get them to file complaints as well.)
2) Also fill out and submit an online complaint form at the FTC's website. I think their complaints end up at the same places as iC3, but because they're also federal, I still think it's helpful to file with them as well so we can keep up the pressure on the feds. Both of these federal complaint systems are completely private; that's important, because Kamau has a serious retaliation history (more on this in a minute).
3) I also strongly recommend that you make copies of ALL of your documentation (emails, letters, contracts, invoices, cancelled checks, equipment, and anything else you have from your dealings with Kamau and the PCC) and take them with you to your local FBI office. You don't have to make an appointment; just show up during business hours and ask to talk to an agent. You can expect to get the brush-off to some extent, so be sure to tell them you are in touch with our group, that the total losses to fraud from this guy are high, that he retaliates against victims who complain in scary ways, and that you will be continuing to complain if they refuse to do anything.
4) Email Mike Matthews with the FL p.i. licensing bureau and tell him what Kamau et al. did to you. Mike's contact info. is: Mike Matthews, Bureau of Regulation and Enforcement, P.O. Box 6687, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6687, 850-833-9146, Fax 850-833-9149. You should know that Kamau has lost his p.i. license in FL, that the PCC is not licensed in FL, that Kamau's associate Greg Slate has never been licensed as a p.i. as far as I know(but has often impersonated one and got Kamau in trouble as a result; it was for this reason that Slate and Kamau parted company, despite what Kamau has posted on the internet), and that as far as anyone in our group is aware, Kamau is not licensed to work as a p.i. in any other state. (You should also try to file a complaint against him with whatever office licenses p.i.s in your state as well, although we have found that these groups usually refuse to do anything.)
5) Depending on your situation and how brave/gutsy you are, we also recommend that you file a consumer complaint with the Washington, D.C. Office of the Attorney General. When you do this, at some point in the process (depending on whether you do this online, by letter, by fax, by phone, etc.) they will ask you whether you want them to contact Kamau about your complaint. If you say no to this, they will simply add your complaint to their files on Kamau and that will be the end of it, and Kamau will not know you complained. If you want them to try and get your money back, however, you must give them permission to contact Kamau to get his response to your complaint. You should be aware that if the experiences of our group are any indication, you can expect Kamau to swiftly retaliate against you by posting lies about you and your case and possibly also your personal identification info. on one of his many websites. You may also find yourself stalked and harassed in various ways. Worse, the D.C. OAG will not do anything to protect you from this!--see my posted letters from them about this on my blog (address below). The D.C. OAG has also not been at all forthcoming about giving one of the other victims I'm in contact with copies of all complaints against Kamau when he filed an open records request with them.
6) Compare your documentation to mine and see if any of it is similar (it usually is!). Right now, I'm working on a chart that I'll be posting soon that lists victims we currently know about (that I'll be updating regularly) by state only (no names), approx. dates they interacted with Kamau/PCC, total dollar amounts they were defruaded out of, and a simple Y or N as to whether we have any contact info. for them. If you are willing to share your information to add to the chart, please email it to me at kamaudocs@gmail.com. This chart will allow us to keep a running tab on amounts people have been defrauded out of and will provide a great deal of helpful information for law enforcement. Although it won't be on the chart, it would be helpful for me to know if you feel you were retaliated against in any way by Kamau or anyone else with the PCC.
7) There are some things you can do to help me personally with my case that might also be important to yours. The main one of these is to obtain copies of the backs of any checks you paid Kamau or anyone else with PCC in order to see who the money was actually paid to as mentioned above. You will need to do this in order to make any kind of fraud case anyway, but it's also important in my case because I have reason to believe that my check backs (which I've posted below) will look very different from yours, even if both of ours were endorsed by Kamau. You could help me even more by emailing me a copy or copies of your check backs (please remove or mark out all account info. first and any other personal info. you don't want to give out--see exs. below). Unlike Kamau, I have a very firm policy of not giving out or posting anything provided to me privately without getting permission first, I always conceal identifying info., and I will take down postings that are not my own if asked to. For my files, I could really use the name of the state you're from, the dates of your first and last interactions with Kamau, the names of any PCC associates involved in your case, the total dollar amount you were defrauded of, and where you've filed formal complaints. Again, please ask any other victims you know of to contact me ASAP.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Kamau 246
Email from Diop Kamau to the Washington, D.C. OAG concerning my case
[This document is out of order.]
Diop Kamau,
Paul Oestreich
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kamau 243
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Kamau 238
Blog post that discusses our case.
My reply to this is posted here as Kamau 239. As I note there, I suspect the author of this post is either our local police chief or someone very close to him (because of the insider information from law enforcement furnished here plus the libelous statements concerning my mental state that are so similar to all the false/ridiculous statements posted as comments by my ex-husband, a close friend of the police chief's, on my other blog at http://vocct.blogspot.com).
Very important note: I never knew "Paul"'s last name until I saw it furnished in this posting, so the person who wrote this also had access to information from Kamau that I didn't have. (See earlier documents that mention only "Paul".
Diop Kamau,
James Segner,
Paul Oestreich,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kamau 231
Cover from my faxed complaint to the Washington, D.C.'s Office of the Attorney General
Note: Another person who'd been defrauded by Diop Kamau, Greg Slate, and the Police Complaint Center in a different state saw an internet post of mine, contacted me, and suggested I file a complaint with this office as they had. They said they'd heard the D.C. OAG would help us get our money back, so I prepared a formal complaint complete with sample documentation and faxed it with this summary. Through this other victim, I gradually became aware of many other people who'd been victimized in various ways by Kamau, and I began corresponding with some of them.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Kamau 225
Email exchange between the Better Business Bureau, CryptoHeaven, and me
Explanation: In January of 2008, I discovered a charge from CryptoHeaven, a Canadian company that Diop Kamau had insisted I set up an account with [see Kamau 13 posted below], on my December 2007 credit card statement that I hadn't authorized. I contacted CryptoHeaven and insisted that they refund the money they had taken from my account, and they refused. I looked up CryptoHeaven's page with the Better Business Bureau of Canada, discovered they had had other complaints filed against them, and then contacted the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint of my own against CryptoHeaven, who responded as shown here.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Kamau 223
Letter I received from the Texas Office of the Attorney General in response to a complaint (with documentation) that I had filed against Diop Kamau, the Police Complaint Center, Greg Slate, Rob Jones, and "Paul".
I had also called the Texas Dept. of Public Safety's Private Security Board (the agency that licenses private investigators in Texas) and asked for instructions on how to file a complaint with them over the fact that these people and their company had operated in Texas without being licensed here; I was given an email address for an investigator in Dallas, and I emailed him a complaint. I never had any further response of any kind from the PSB regarding Kamau et al.
I later learned about other complaints that had been filed against Kamau in Texas (but more about that later...).
Monday, November 2, 2009
Kamau 221
Email exchange between Diop Kamau and me. I immediately provided local, state, and federal law enforcement with copies of this exchange, both by fax and by forwarding. I also began calling the FBI in San Antonio and asking them for protection. (When I called them back the next morning as they'd instructed me, I was told, "Just don't let them in." I got no further responses from law enforcement.)
Greg Slate,
law enforcement,
local police
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Kamau 218 and 219
Two pages that were attached to the previous email (Kamau 217).
Important note: Because I know I made the small handwritten address correction at the top of Kamau 218 right before I sent it, I'm positive these pages were part of my private fax to the San Antonio personal injury lawer (sent with Kamau 203 as its cover page). I sent this fax by regular fax from my wired/landline phone number (unlisted), NOT by eFax as explained just below.
[Comment: I believe Rob Jones and Diop Kamau had illegally obtained these pages from my private fax to an attorney and brazenly emailed them back to me just to let me know they had them. This email, which consists of Kamau 217, 218, and 219 together, provides a definite link between Rob Jones, Diop Kamau, and whomever illegally provided them with copies of my private fax to an attorney. For more detailed discussions of these documents, see the http://vocct.blogspot.com posts entitled "Illegal Surveillance, Part IV" from 11/14/09 and "Illegal Surveillance Summary" from 11/17/09.]
Diop Kamau,
Rob Jones,
Kamau 217
Email I received from Investigator Rob Jones, whom Kamau said worked for him. Attached to this email were the two pages posted above as Kamau 218 and 219.
Important notes: This email contains our correct and unlisted phone number that is shared by both our landline phone and our fax machine. However, I DO NOT have an eFax account, and I never have. (I even called eFax and verified this in order to be sure someone hadn't opened one using my number without my knowledge.) I certainly DID NOT send this eFax or email as the subject line implies. As you can see, someone sent this to both Diop Kamau and Rob Jones previously.
[There is more detailed discussion of this document posted at http://vocct.blogspot.com under the 11/14/09 post entitled "Illegal Surveillance, Part IV" and also under the 11/17/09 post entitled "Illegal Surveillance Summary".]
Kamau 216
Email and attachment I received from Investigator Rob Jones, whom Kamau had said worked for him in a previously posted text message. I considered this a death threat from a law enforcement officer (picture of heaven), and I immediately forwarded it on to state and federal law enforcement along with pleas for immediate protection (but there were no responses).
Important note: Shortly after I forwarded this to law enforcement, someone hacked into my email and added some innocent-sounding text to make this appear less threatening. However, my children and I had examined the original email extremely carefully before I forwarded it to law enforcement, and we are absolutely certain that the original email DID NOT contain any text.
Kamau 215
Comment portion of a fax I sent to the Washington, D.C. Better Business Bureau on 10/18/07. The rest of this fax consisted of copies of the threatening emails posted here previously and my responses plus a cover letter asking them to help me pressure the U.S. DOJ into immediately acting to help us.
bug sweep,
home invasion,
illegal surveillance,
Pre-Paid Legal Services,
Rob Jones
Kamau 214
I responded to the previous email with an email of my own asking these CA victims how they had obtained my name, email address, and private case information; this email was their response.
Important note: Kamau had previously told me Rob Jones worked for the Police Complaint Center and was from Texas, not Kentucky.
CA victims,
Diop Kamau,
Greg Slate,
Rob Jones
Kamau 212
Kamau 210
Email exchange between Kamau and me; copy forwarded to local, state, and federal law enforcement
[For a more detailed discussion of this document, see http://vocct.blogspot.com post from 11/13/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance, Part III" and post from 11/17/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance Summary".]
home invasion,
local police,
Kamau 207
Email I sent to Kamau. I also sent copies of this email and the previous one (Kamau 206) to state and federal law enforcement agencies.
[For a more detailed discussion of this document, see http://vocct.blogspot.com post from 11/13/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance, Part III" and post from 11/17/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance Summary".]
Kamau 206
Email I received from Kamau
Note: I have not enlarged the typeface; this is the way Kamau sent it to me.
[For more detailed discussion of this document, see http://vocct.blogspot.com post from 11/13/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance, Part III" and post from 11/17/09 entitled "Illegal Surveillance Summary".]
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